COURSE TITLE: Semi-Auto Pistol Operator 1 (2 Days 16 hours)
COURSE TYPE: Classroom & Live Fire
Instructor: Chris Cerino
Range Ready Studios
24362 Hwy 190 East
Robert, LA 70455
This two-day immersion hammers marksmanship and weapons handling skills. Not for the completely unskilled, SAPO1 combines the essentials of marksmanship with the principles of combat shooting and places them into a hierarchy of necessity and importance.
Training focuses on a mastery of the basics in a highly diagnostic fashion. Master the critical aspects of muscular-skeletal alignment, platform, pistol presentation, modern grip, and trigger management. Common misconceptions regarding shooting are addressed.
Special Concerns: SAPO1 is physically demanding with extensive amounts of shooting and weapon manipulation. Full focus and attention to detail is necessary. On the range, shooters will be occupied loading magazines and taking notes between shooting drills.
Training includes:
Required Equipment: Semi-automatic pistol w/ 3 magazines, Sturdy belt, Strong side outside waistband holster and magazine pouch, eye & ear protection, cleaning kit, 800 rounds ammunition.